Thursday, January 06, 2005

Elvis in the ground, panhandlers in Dinkytown

A zine. An actual xeroxed digest-sized zine.

One sheet of paper, hand-pasted clip art. Only two typefaces.

It's not often that you run across these reminders of the pre-digital age, but I found one today in the coffeeshop. Simple and to-the-point, it warned of the demise of "the underground scene" and the pervasive nature of everything Pop, while stridently urging its readers to go out to shows more often, sporting the 'last interview' with locally-based Volante as its feature article.

Refreshing (and a tad-bit old-fashioned) Tundra put an easy smile on my face.

And yes, I saw the first panhandler in Dinkytown that I've seen for months and months. Dressed for the weather (it was 10 degrees and sunny today) and I should admit, dressed in new clothes, he didn't look like your typical panhandler, more like an out of work IT wonk. So be it. He got my spare coinage for the rarity and novelty of it all.


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