Thursday, September 09, 2004

DESCENT/ASCENT Florence Court #11-2

<><>It’s not as if I’ve really been busy as of late (damn-near broke, yes . . . ) but I have been busy settling in to my new place, with most of the stuff moved in and another weekend to pack stuff and get ready for . . . living in this place. Need some furniture and furnishings, mostly cheap disposable kinds (I will NOT live in an Ikea dream world, okay?) I’m definitely giving all of my stuff plenty of breathing room and space, and luckily have enough to spare (for now at least.) It’s taken me literally months to get settled in here, and there are good reasons for this, the main one being that I’d long since grown accustomed to living with other people, and the solitude and relative silence of this new place leaves me dumb-struck. The fact of the matter is that in the past eleven years I’ve lived in eleven residences, and this place is my first place all by myself in my entire life, adult-life or otherwise! No roommates, girlfriends, pets, plants, dirty dishes (yet), clutter . . . it’s an entirely new experience! I think I’ve slept here now for a full week, and until the last few days hadn’t had any music/speaker/headphones . . . just an old TV and VCR to keep me company. I’ve played/watched The Manchurian Candidate every day for the past week and a half, this added to my usual conspiracy/potboiler reading itinerary is making me very much on edge . . . but it’s the edge that I need, motivating, cleansing . . . (BTW to all and sundry: I recently scored a treasure-trove of Right Wing loony reading material, so this place is rapidly becoming Jonny Quest’s Wingnut Research Reading Room!)

I’ve been doing my absolute very best NOT to freak out or otherwise annoy the neighbors, but that’s a very arduous task when said neighbors are A) laid-back twenty-something Trustafarians and B) Luis Palau-affiliated Christian girls who are living away from home (and many fresh out of the U of M Dorms) for the first time in their lives! I think I’m the only person in this whole bloody complex who doesn’t own a car! So anyways, a few nights back I was feeling the itch, and just had to shake the cobwebs out of the old PWOW mixing gear, turntables, cassettes, and etcetera. As I kept mixing this junk and shaking out the dust it became quite late, probably later than I should have been making such a racket, seeing as how this old barn really echoes . . . still . . . who knew “The Snow” mixed so well with “The Hypnotist” . . . ? During the beatless mix of the Sabers’ “Smokebelch II” the sound of my left thumb hitting the space bar was louder than th boombox! PWOG’s “Break” from their Peel Session worked well with Underworld’s “Second Hand”, and I wished I had a copy of Orbital’s “Chime” (OFTHS version) to mix in . . . oh well, it’s what you should expect when you don’t have all of your old music together in one place (very soon though!) . . . and yeah, I think that it might well be official. . . that is, that the neighbors officially hate me or at least my music - until that night I’d been quiet and relatively reserved around the neighbors, trying to meet some of them and to be friendly (not to mention my new “clean cut and well-groomed” look that has everyone seemingly confused) but we all know that I have a tendency for late night loudness of the “musical” kind . . . I mean CHRIST I played PWOW, and rather loudly, too, an old tape from a nameless session . . .
<>BTW, if I didn’t already mention it, I’ve been, sick, and (at the time I wrote this) am currently missing Slim Cessna at Lee’s . . . darn it all! I plan to Roboverdose tomorrow in order to “get better” (hell, it useta work Back in the Day, after all) but I’ve also gotta take care of some pressing Financial Matters am morgen (like the damned cel phone bill – hello?) so maybe I’ll just drink fuck loads of orange juice instead . . . Santana’s here I come!
<>PWOW Gear Shakedown Noize

(in no particular order):

<>Megumi / “F.U.” tape @ ‘97

8/24/94 - cassette me n’ Arik

PWOW - cassette 1995/6

PTV - “Stolen Kisses” ”Caresse”

PWOG – “Break”

Ibiza Afterhours (most)

FSOL - Lifeforms (some)

Soul of Eightball (some)

COIL - LSD “The Snow”

Severed Heads – “Dead Eyes Opened”

Czukay/Sylvian - “Plight”

Cabaret Voltaire - “Project 80”

Diary tape from 3/10/95

“Ordinary People” tape (’96)

Mad Professor “Lost Scrolls”

New Order “Turn the Heater On”,

“Your Silent Face”

Augustus Pablo “Earth’s Rightful Ruler”

some Hawaiian record (oy vey!)

Mark Stewart+MAFFIA”Stranger”

<>Wed 25 August 12:21 AM – o yasumi

<>PostScript/Addendum 8//24 @ 11:22-23: Y<>’all know that until now I was *NEVER* one to go in for the whole LiveJournal or brand-name online weblog, right? Sure I've kept lots of little notebooks with my thoughts, names, dates, addresses, crap poetry and all that fun stuff over the years, but until very recently the whole online Blog thing has not seemed like the right thing for me. But very recently I began to seriously consider Blogging, if only for purely tactical reasons which I’ll explain later. But before I start all of that I first have to get the whole high-speed online connection goin’ on (done!), and up until recently I’d used primarily dialup, which is SOOO 1990! So I had to go high-speed not only for blogging but also for other more practical purposes than just wagging my digital chin (I ostensibly run two businesses . . .) so it all ties together. More photos (Friendster too!) and Housewarming Party Invite coming VERY soon. <>This Mortal Coil is on now Cocteau Twins’ll be on next . . . for pity’s sake SOMEONE STOP ME!!!!!


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